Tuesday, June 30, 2009

thank you

for giving me the gift of making good guacamole.

Monday, June 29, 2009

And we're being thankful today

Since Bon's posting her stuff.... here is mine for today. Thank you Universe,
(1) For giving me a stomach which can ingest anything from anywhere, without feeling ill effects.
(2) For giving me a brother who doesn't mind fetching me and my pals from the airport in the middle of the night, even when we smell bad LOL
(3) For my job and boss, both of whom allow me to do whatever I please, whenever I please.
(4) For always being around this year, to give comfort, to question and challenge my decisions, to help.
(5) For my maid, cos she cleans my clothes
(6) For creating ribena and yakult

Sunday, June 28, 2009

10 Things I Am Grateful For

Wrote this in the morning when I woke up and decided to cross post it here.


So here are 10 things I'm grateful for. Big and small.

1. My blanket. Love how it keeps me warm when I'm cold. I'm all wrapped up now. Hehehe.

2. My wifi enabled phone. Having wifi was one of the things I insisted on when I was shopping for a phone. Didn't use it much initially, but am using it much more now.

3. Good food in my life. Singapore is really a glutton's paradise and I love being able to eat such a variety of food. Slurp. And having family and friends who cook well too? Best.

4. A roof over my head. A place to call home.

5. A close knit family. I know a lot of people aren't very close to their families but I'm so so so so so thankful that I am. And it's not just my immediate family, but extended family like aunties, uncles and cousins.

6. Wonderful traveling companions. It's not easy to find people that you enjoy traveling with, and I think it's amazing how good a time the 4 of us have when we travel together. It helps that we're all pretty easy going (read: lazy) and don't fluster easily. Lots of laughter on our trips.

7. My camera. Sosososo glad I brought my camera on this trip, otherwise we'd have no pictures. Lol. Plus I never have to worry about charging my batteries since it's powered by AA batteries.

8. A job I'm happy at with a boss I like and respect. Sure, my boss is leaving but I'm glad I had the opportunity to find out what it's like to work under a good boss.

9. Free accommodation in NY if I go in the next three years! One good thing that came out of my boss' resignation. Lol. I'll save a bomb!

10. Wanderlust. Notice how there's an exclamation point only in the item about an upcoming trip? Lol. I'm glad I am curious enough to want to see the world, and that I have the means to.

Practice for the New Millennium by the Dalai Lama

The Practice:
1. Spend 5 minutes at the beginning of each day rememberingwe all want the same things (to be happy and be loved)and we are all connected to one another.
2. Spend 5 minutes breathing in, cherishing yourself; and, breathing outcherishing others. If you think about people you have difficulty cherishing,extend your cherishing to them anyway.
3. During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet. Practice cherishing the "simplest" person (clerks, attendants, etc)or people you dislike.
4. Continue this practice no matter what happens or what anyone does to you. These thoughts are very simple, inspiring and helpful. The practice of cherishing can be taken very deeply if done wordlessly, allowing yourself to feel the love and appreciation thatalready exists in your heart.

Daily Necessities : Tips & pointers for building a spiritual life from scratch

Be aware/Stay awake
Practise yoga
Chant and sing
Breathe and smile
Let Go/Forgive/Accept
Cultivate oneself/Enhance competencies
Cultivate contentment
Cultivate flexibility
Cultivate friendship and collaboration
Lighten up
Celebrate and appreciate
Give thanks
Walk softly/Live gently
Be born anew

from Awakening The Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Ten Things in my life partner - Man that wasn't so easy

(1) We are sexually compatible and find each other physically desirable, have tonnes of lasting chemistry, romance, tenderness and passion.

(2) We connect spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Our bond is strong and stable and grows closer and better every day.

(3) He is successful in his field or career and financially stable and prosperous. He has an abundance of $, is more than able to support me and he is generous and willing to do so.

(4) He is ambitious (not necessarily career-wise but life-wise), and is always able to get what he wants but recognises the fact that life is more than just work, and he needs to spend time cultivating important things like his relationship with me.

(5) Willing to share his life with me and share my life in return. His friends and family become mine and vice versa. We will have an approving and supportive network and are surrounded by love.

(6) He is healthy and hygenic (very important ok) and has good clean habits and lifestyle.

(7) Faithful, honest and unwavering, open and sharing with me.

(8) Loves me deeply and I love him in in return (Good one Bon!)

(9) I respect him and his intellect and ideas and find him interesting and amusing. And he does me.

(10) Desires to travel, is a seasoned traveller and a compatible travelling companion for me.

So I Can Have Sex Soon

Dear Universe,

Here is the condensed list of 10 attributes for my next boyfriend. Please send someone to me soon. Lol.

1. Someone who is sexually compatible with me and good in bed.
2. Someone who is intelligent and I can have interesting conversations with.
3. Someone who is honest and faithful and who I can trust.
4. Someone who is funny and who makes me laugh.
5. Someone who has a stable job and high income.
6. Someone who loves me and who I will love.
7. Someone who enjoys traveling and is a good traveling companion.
8. Someone who has a positive attitude in life.
9. Someone who is good looking.
10. Someone who gets along with my family and friends.

Thanks! xoxo

Thanks for the mountain huts

And for Betty being mega efficient lol.

New era, new communication for Ching

Dear Universe

I am writing my very first blog, I believe that through this blog you will answer all my desires. My first wish : May all my buddies stay in good health, immortal beauty, live in harmony and wisdom.


Hmm I jumped the gun

ok wait. She has not blogged yet. But it is on the way.

So I am a genius anyway!

Woo I am Genius

i just got Ching to blog leh.

I am genius. Which I already know.
I will feel infinite joy and love.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dear Universe,

There are days when things go slightly awry, and suddenly you're in a zone where colours of the day seem bleak once more.

Well, thanks for reminding me it's not real, and will pass.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Comin Round The Mountain

Please give us rooms on Mt Kinabalu. So we can climb it and Bets can show off her vid cam skills.

Thanks much!

In The Pink

Dear Universe,

Give us good health. Stupendously, amazingly great health. That we look extremely good.

That erm, we only go to doctors when we are lazy and want mcs.



Hi Bon, Ching and Wen,

Write 10 things you are grateful for each day.


All Good is coming to me today.

All my desires will be met today.

Magic and miracles will follow me everywhere today.

p/s start having good thoughts if you haven't, coz I've heeheeheeeeeeeee

3 Steps to our SUCCESS

Think good thoughts (eg. All my friends will be RICH soon)

Speak good words (eg. All my friends will find love soon)

Take good actions (eg. All my friends will go to Mount Kinabalu soon yippeeeeeeeeee)

I want all my friends to become RICHER and RICHER

If you want to attract MORE money, make lists of the things you will buy with the money. Surround yourself with pictures of the things you would like and always feel the feelings of having those things NOW.

Oh yeah, please also imagine those things with ME in the picture LOL. The rule of thumb - SHARING mah.


Mine :- Nice houses, nice cars, nice watches and nice holidays with Edward and my friends


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Holiday soon! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yes, Happiness Please

Oh yes, dear universe. Please let all the people around us be happy, so that we are happy

Great Sex For All

I wish all my friends will have the greatessssst sex from now onwards

woo-hooooooo yeeeeeeeppie yabba-dabba doooooo


p/s oh yeah, separately pls


Hmm some gratitude is in order.....

Thanks for helping me settle the erm settlement with my ex.


Surrounded By Happiness

Dear Universe,

Let us be surrounded by lightness and laughter, abundance and love.

No negativity, cos gives us headaches.
